Do you have a wood bedroom set, dining room table, entertainment center or other piece of furniture that needs refinished, repaired, or restored?
Nicks, scratches, dents, and dull wood furniture can give your business a bad image. We can restore, repair, and maintain your wood office furniture.
Don't spend money replacing chewed up furniture. We can repair your dog chewed or cat scratched wood furniture for less than the cost of buying new.
Does your entertainment center not fit your new TV? Do you have an armoire that won't fit up the stairs? Don't replace it, let us modify it!
Do you have an idea for a new entertainment center? Need a large dining room table to fit your family? Get the wood furniture you want made to the exact specifications you need.
We can restore, refinish, repair, and rebuild your upright or grand piano including your cherished antique piano to return it to its former beauty.